Learn how Gorilla trans­formed teach­ing and research

Doing “real research” from Year One isn’t the norm. Under­grad­u­ate courses tend to begin with the history of the dis­ci­pline and estab­lished the­o­ries, and only at the end of their degrees are stu­dents able to make a sci­en­tif­ic con­tri­bu­tion with their own ideas.

With Gorilla, instead of basic cubicle exer­cis­es devised by the tutors, stu­dents can now carry out their own novel research — with pub­lish­able results.

Learn about con­crete cases, where Gorilla was used to and sig­nif­i­cant­ly aided in teach­ing stu­dents how to run exper­i­ments from early on.

Still curious? Good!

Learn more about how teach­ing with Gorilla gives stu­dents an under­stand­ing of the sci­en­tif­ic method and experimentation.

Using Gorilla to teach sta­tis­tics and research methods

Using Gorilla to teach sta­tis­tics and research methods 

An age-old debate is whether we should teach sta­tis­tics not using manual cal­cu­la­tions, but also using soft­ware such as SPSS, MINITAB, JASP etc. While many teach­ers and lec­tur­ers prefer manual cal­cu­la­tion, we believe there is a better way. We believe stu­dents gain the…

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Teach­ing Research Methods with Gorilla

Teach­ing Research Methods with Gorilla 

Pub­lished 1st Feb 2021   Gorilla is a bril­liant tool for cre­at­ing online exper­i­ments and col­lect­ing data from par­tic­i­pants in the lab or online. It is free for users to design and build tasks, preview them, and share them with col­lab­o­ra­tors, which means that…

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Gorilla Presents… Teach­ing Research Methods (Webinar)

Gorilla Presents… Teach­ing Research Methods (Webinar)

This webinar is all about online teach­ing, specif­i­cal­ly teach­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal research methods online. Acad­e­mia has had to pivot quite quickly this year and move the major­i­ty of its content online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULtutQJSmr0 With the help of our…

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